[posted] Posted(#52150, Hoare)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Mon May 23 12:50:59 PDT 2016

The Jesuits, by Edward Hoare                                             52150
   [Author: Henry Waller]
   [Subtitle: A Correspondence relative to a Lecture so Entitled]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/2/1/5/52150 ]
   [Files: 52150-0.txt; 52150-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: After the Rev. Edward Hoare, an evangelical
Church of England minister had given a lecture on the Jesuits to the
Islington Protestant Institution (released in Gutenberg a few weeks ago)
Henry Waller, a lawyer who had made a public conversion to Roman 
Catholicism wrote to Hoare disputing various items.  A correspondence 
ensued (which is this eBook) at the end of which Waller said he would 
publish it, to which Hoare agreed but asked for it to be made clear he had 
been answering letters as opposed to writing for publication.

All the best,
Warm England with a beautiful sunset

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