[posted] [Posted]Posted(#54645, Gell)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Tue May 2 13:28:55 PDT 2017

The True Ministers of Christ Accredited by the Holy Spirit, Philip Gell  54645
   [Subtitle: a Sermon]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/4/6/4/54645 ]
   [Files: 54645-0.txt; 54645-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: this Rev. Philip Gell, was an evangelical 
Church of England minister in Nottingham and the father of Rev. John 
Philip Gell, a famous Church of England clergyman one of whose works is 
already in Gutenberg.  In this sermon he's arguing against Tractarianism 
which was then (1842) active in the Church of England, and very much in 
favour of a strong evangelical doctrine.

All the best,
England, rather dark and cool

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