[posted] UNposted (#38200, Homer) !

Greg Newby gbnewby at pglaf.org
Mon Sep 3 07:18:32 PDT 2018

I have just removed #38200 from the servers:

  Ilias by Homer
  Tr. Otto Manninen
  Language: Finnish

It should be removed from GUTINDEX*, and might need a little help to be removed from the catalog.

It turns out that the title/verso page indicated this was a REPRINT, but it was discovered that it was actually a substantially different translation.  One translator (Manninen) is the same as the 1919 edition for which the clearance was granted, but subsequent reprintings involved additional translators.

Because the post-1922 translations are new acts of "authorship," they warrant a new copyright.  Therefore, we cannot use Rule 1 for this item, and no other rule is eligible for post-1923 items not first published in the US.

Thanks to volunteers who pointed out and investigated this issue.
  - Greg

Dr. Gregory B. Newby
Chief Executive and Director
Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation www.gutenberg.org
A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with EIN 64-6221541
gbnewby at pglaf.org

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