[posted] Posted(#63688, Macgill)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Mon Nov 16 13:44:14 PST 2020

"He was buried", by Thomas Macgill                                       63688
   [Subtitle: A Sermon for Easter Even]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/3/6/8/63688 ]
   [Files: 63688-0.txt; 63688-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: This is a sermon preached in Clapham but Rev. 
Macgill (the curate) in 1849.  It was published in the hope of raising a 
little money towards the building of a temporary church in Clapham.  I'd 
purchased this at a bookfair a year or so ago - much to the relief of the 
seller who thought he'd never shift such stuff!

All the best,
Cold and damp England

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