[posted] Posted(#64733, Cowan)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Sun Mar 7 02:58:13 PST 2021

Christian Marriage Indissoluble, by James Galloway Cowan                 64733
   [Subtitle: A Plain Sermon]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/4/7/3/64733 ]
   [Files: 64733-0.txt; 64733-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: Rev. James Galloway Cowan (1828-1875) was a 
Church of England minister who had a reputation for excellent preaching. 
He became the minister at Hammersmith, west London, in the 1860's and this 
links him to my research interest.  Although he published some collections 
of sermons, when a topic was "hot" he'd publish an individual sermon so 
that his views could be known in Hammersmith.

This sermon, in response to the 1857 Divorce Act says that the Church 
didn't recognise any divorce - a bit rich considering the Church of 
England came out of Henry's need for a divorce!  He's very readable and 
doesn't take the usual oft-repeated arguments.

All the best,
Overcast England

PS. Cowan had a lot of children and his first wife died: he remarried but 
died within a year aged 48.  This second wife ended up as step-mother to a 
whole house of grown-up children decades later.

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