[posted] Posted(#49115, Mayow)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Tue Jun 2 14:27:15 PDT 2015

Eight Sermons on The Priesthood, Altar, and Sacrifice,Mayow Wynell Mayow 49115
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/4/9/1/1/49115 ]
   [Files: 49115-0.txt; 49115-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: Mayow Wynell Mayow was vicar of St. Mary's West 
Brompton (later known as St. Mary The Boltons) church in Brompton, 
England, 1869-1868 and these are the sermons he preached for Christmas 
1867.  They strongly advocate Tractarian principles and Rev. Mayow was 
eventually to leave St. Mary's due to the controversy these views stoked 
up.  His superior was the Vicar of Brompton, the Rev. William J. Irons, 
who would have strongly supported the views in this book.  A local 
evangelical clergyman, John Philip Gell, wrote a short critical of Mayow's 
book (shortly to be released in Gutenberg).

All the best,
England, dark but still warm

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