[posted] Posted(#52748, Hoare)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Mon Aug 8 13:02:53 PDT 2016

England's Stewardship, by Edward Hoare                                   52748
   [Subtitle: The Substance of a Sermon]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/2/7/4/52748 ]
   [Files: 52748-0.txt; 52748-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: In 1857 soldiers of the Bengal army shot their 
British officers and an uprising took place.  British public opinion was 
so shocked that a national day of fasting in England was proclaimed and 
the Rev. Edward Hoare preached this sermon on that day.  Hoare says that 
England's conduct towards India has been very wrong and cites that England 
hasn't provided Education nor pushed Christianity.  More than anything it 
shows the total disconnect between what people in England thought was 
happening in India, and what was.

All the best,
England with a cool breeze

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