[posted] Posted(#52646, Hoare)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Mon Jul 25 12:28:43 PDT 2016

The Breadth, Freeness, and Yet Exclusiveness of the Gospel, Edward Hoare 52646
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/2/6/4/52646 ]
   [Files: 52646-0.txt; 52646-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: a short pamphlet by Edward Hoare and rather 
rare.  A few years before Hoare died his son realized that a good deal of 
his father's works had been published like this, and he sought to work 
with his father to produce something more lasting: unfortunately Hoare 
died before the project was completed, so we're left with various 
pamphlets and a posthumous book.

All the best,
England, clouds reflecting the sun and a warm breeze

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