I've taken a look through the mailing list archives, and am pleased to
see that the fine tradition of herding cats is alive and well at PG
Canada. :)
May I suggest that a good place to start would be to set up a Project
Wiki for PG Canada? The initial content and categories could be drawn
from from the archived mailing list discussions ("Copyright Issues";
"Storage Formats"; "Partnerships"; etc).
If this seems like a good idea to everyone (someone? anyone?), I'm
willing to host the site and and buy a domain name
("www.projectpgcanada.org" is available). Give me the go-ahead and I'll
try to have something together by late next week.
Hello. I keep seeing cryptic messages in the PG newsletter: "Project
Gutenberg of Canada needs your help! Please email:
What kind of help do you need? What's "pgcanada"?