[posted] REPosted(#3278, Bulter)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Thu Jul 25 14:13:07 PDT 2019

This eBook has been moved from etext02 where it somehow was left, and 
moved to the post 10k directory structure, and updated with a much better 
version as we're not limited to just ASCII text these days.

Cambridge Pieces, by Samuel Butler                                        3278
   [Editor: R. A. Streatfeild]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/3/2/7/3278 ]
   [Files: 3278-0.txt; 3278-h.htm]

All the best,
Very, very hot England

PS. I know the 10k reposting phrase isn't what it's meant to be but none 
of us have done this for years and I don't have a copy of an original one! 
The files will be removed from etext02 once I see them properly turn up in 
the right place.

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