[posted] Posted(#59984, Holloway)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Thu Jul 25 14:52:01 PDT 2019

A Letter to John Wilkes, Esq., by Robert Holloway                 59984
   [Subtitle: Sheriff of London and Middlesex]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/9/9/8/59984 ]
   [Files: 59984-0.txt; 59984-h.html]

For those wishing to know: Robert Holloway was an attorney in London from 
around 1770 to 1816 at a time when there was a lot of abuse of the law by 
attornies to rob people of all they had.  This "letter" is a rant from him 
about practises such as privately holding a debtor and charging them 
extorntionate amounts for anything, forcing them deeper into debt etc. 
Holloway was twice sent to prison for the trouble he caused in denouncing 
lawyers and he often features in court reports of the period.

All the best,
Very hot England

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