[posted] Posted(#61939, Manning)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Sun Apr 26 04:05:05 PDT 2020

A Child's Dream of the Zoo, by William Manning                           61939
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/1/9/3/61939 ]
   [Files: 61939-0.txt; 61939-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: since it's creation in 1841, Brompton Hospital 
(London), was supported by generous donations from the locals in what was 
becoming a affluent area.  This short booklet from 1886 is an example 
of how money was raised: an "entertainment" was given, probably by 
various locals, and the money raised given to the hospital.  Obviously 
William Manning's poem of a child's fever dream in the hospital went down 
well and he had a printed locally: no doubt proceeds also went to the 

All the best,
England with sun and blue skies

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