[posted] Posted(#64743, Cowan)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Sun Mar 7 13:25:30 PST 2021

Plain Sermons, by James Galloway Cowan                                   64743
   [Subtitle: Preached at Archibishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent Street]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/6/4/7/4/64743 ]
   [Files: 64743-0.txt; 64743-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: before Rev. Cowan (1828-1875) became the 
minister of Hammersmith in west London, he was minister of an affluent 
church in central London, on Regent Street.  This is a collection of ten 
of his sermons from that period.  Unlike the one-off ones they aren't 
topical but they aren't the normal Church of England fare either.  Rev. 
Cowan was very strict and hard on his congregation and expected everyone 
should put religion before everything else.

All the best,
Darkest England

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